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Chakra Dragonfly


Remember when you were a child, chasing dragonflies?       The magic of how they flitted about, never stopping long enough to get a hold of. Take the quiz to discover which CHAKRA DRAGONFLY is trying to get your attention!

Anchor 1

Do you want to learn more about your CHAKRA DRAGONFLY?

Your next step, to a more confident you, is to listen to this meditation. Grab a pen and paper, maybe your journal. Take a moment to collect your thoughts, breathing in and out, bringing in a sense of calmness. Let go of today's stress's as best as you can and push play.

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Red Dragonfly

Red Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

Red Dragonfly grounds into the ROOT Chakra. Physically this is in the tail bone area of the spine. The way it flies from area to area, confident in the landing of feet on the ground or on water.

The Root Chakra is all about survival issues such as financial independence, food, self preservation and the will to live.

Your Dragonfly feels secure in it's ability to survive and even thrive when given the chance. Red Dragonfly enjoys the outdoors, knowing the


activities that make a positive difference in the day. Take the time to do these often, whether it is a walk or sitting on a bench watching the world go by or any other outdoor activity.

Red Dragonfly flits from flower to log to stone, the need for feet on the ground or on the water. Multitasker with hands in many areas. Feeling the need to keep busy. Being aware of more and how to tap in. The ability to, with a thought, ground oneself. Yes it is as easy as that. The shifting of the belief systems. Live life to the fullest. Learn to trust your strengths. Let your stability shine through.

I am grounded...​

Orange Dragonfly

Orange Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

Orange Dragonfly creates in the SACRAL Chakra., found in the abdomen. For women, it's in the creative center, the womb. Seeing the information coming in, focusing on the goal and discovering the next steps.

The Sacral Chakra is all about the sense of well being, attractiveness, desire, abundance and creating life energy.

Orange Dragonfly loves creating. Taking a moment to write down ideas can prove helpful to remembering. A willingness to attempt new things whether alone or in a group setting. What has been coming up on your radar lately? 

maybe your next tiny step. Look at it and DO it. One step at a time.

I am in the flow...

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Is it time to take action? Write down an action step, 

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Yellow Dragonfly

Yellow Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

Yellow Dragonfly dances in the SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra. The physical location is in the belly. It makes the choice to fly into it's life reaping the rewards of joy.

The Solar Plexus Chakra reflects your personality and is about self confidence, self worth, self development and self esteem. It is where emotions and wanting control reside.

Yellow Dragonfly embodies the Little You's passion for life. Remember

childhood dreams and passions. Choose to listen to your belly's yes' and no's. If unsure what your belly is saying, choose instead to step into your life. That feeling in the belly could be excitement. A good way to get comfortable with this is to ask your self if what is in front of you is what you want. Feel yourself stepping towards it. How does that feel? Know that this is the ocean of emotion and you are the one with the rudder steering your way through. Make the choice to step into the excitement of it. If this feels good you have your answer. If it feels yucky or horrible you still have your answer. Trust that!!!

I am joy...

Green Dragonfly

Green Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

Green Dragonfly loves the HEART Chakra. A beautiful nesting area with deep connections with self and others.

The Heart Chakra is the home of the ability to love self and humanity. Inner peace, compassion, forgiveness and empathy play roles here too.

Green Dragonfly brings your awareness to the magic around you. The smallest things may ignite a smile on your face. The touch of a gentle breeze, the sound of a child's laughter, a song or maybe an ad on a billboard. There is so much around, choose to find joy. Say a small Thank

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you when you get these beautiful slices of magic.  

Gratitude brings more in.

I am connected...

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Blue Dragonfly

Blue Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

Blue Dragonfly sings in the THROAT Chakra. Opening the pathways to loving one self and speaking better about and to your self.

The Throat Chakra is about communication with self and others. Bringing in truthfulness, inspiration through self expression of feelings. When in alignment verbal ability is heightened.

Blue Dragonfly hovers patiently as you take a moment to see what you need in this moment. Pause to explore your own desires. What do you

want? What is my vision? Make a list of 25 to 50 things you want this year. They can range from the easily attained to the wow I wish I could have or do this. This is the way to move down the road towards what you really want.

I am ME...

Indigo Dragonfly

Indigo Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

Indigo Dragonfly sees the world through the THIRD EYE Chakra. The viewpoint and perspective of being higher on the human body, mid forehead / brow. Fly with the wind and follow your intuition.

The Third Eye Chakra is about intuition, seeing the bigger picture. It's also about seeing the smaller steps along the way. Therefore having the ability to think and make decisions.

Indigo Dragonfly has a unique ability. Pay attention to those clues and .

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repetitive signs. What do they mean for you? Draw on your own experiences to decipher the signs and symbols.

I am aware...

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White Dragonfly

White Dragonfly symbolizes your Little You, also known as your Inner Child or Small Self.

White Dragonfly soars in the CROWN Chakra. A divine connection through the top of the head. A sense of being ONE with all, a beautiful connection to all that there is.

The Crown Chakra is the Divine connection, connection to all. Direct access to wisdom, to the Gnost where ancient lore resides. The connection to inner and outer beauty.

White Dragonfly is congratulating you. Through this life you have been

making powerful choices, learning through the lessons before you. Within you is an inner strength, drawing guidance from everywhere else as well.

I am supported...

©2024 by The Sandini - Sandra Pelley

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